Ways to Help.

  • Volunteer.

    Volunteer support the day of the event is the single most effective way to give to the LoCo Trash Bash. Consider bringing a work or school group, or allowing the cleanup to count towards your students or employees Day of Service requirement. We need volunteers for the cleanup, AND for the after party. When you sign up, let us know how you want to help!

  • Cash.

    Financial support help offset the hard costs of holding the cleanup that cannot be donated, such as insurance, cleanup supplies, and food and entertainment at the after party. You contribution can go a long way to fill in the gaps!

  • Equipment.

    Equipment support for the cleanup such as trash grabbers, shovels, rakes, gloves, and hand sanitizer are welcomed and needed. Large trash trailers are especially needed. When you sign up, you leave a message about what you plan to bring so we can coordinate efforts!

  • Donate.

    Sponsor’s products, aka ‘swag’. for the after party gift bags are great way to help by rewarding our volunteers hard efforts. Hats, t-shirts, stickers, koozies, etc. are very much appreciated and welcome (no single use plastic items please)!

  • Lead.

    Section Leader (on the water) and Site Leader (on the banks) volunteer opportunities help administer a checkpoint throughout the day to keep all volunteers safe and accounted for. If you are interested in being a Leader, make sure to check the box when you sign up!

  • Share.

    Help us spread the word and raise awareness about the event on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Feel free to repost any social media content from All Water Guides and Cleanup the Colorado!

Get in touch.

Questions, concerns, comments, or want to sponsor the LoCo Trash Bash? Let us know!